
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Coming Alive

John Eldridge says, "Don't ask yourself what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is men who have come alive." 

I can't think of better counsel to live by or to give our youth.  When God has placed a dream in our hearts, following that dream will ignite a spark in us that will be evident to all those around us.  We can choose to ignore that dream, tell ourselves that it isn't possible to fulfill that dream, or even take short cuts to make the dream come to pass.  In any of these instances, the world suffers from our dream not being realized in the way that it was meant to be.

It makes me sad to think of the years I wasted, watching others realize their hopes and dreams and just "go for it" and make them come true.  I have stood on the sidelines many times asking myself or God, why my passions and dreams for the future have to be put on the back burner.  It has only been in recent years that I have come to see that I have stood in my own way.  My lack of self confidence, my inability to believe that my dreams are real and important and attainable has been what has kept them from being realized.

As a mother, I have done my best to assure my children that they can do whatever is in their hearts to do and that they can live their dreams.  I tried to instill this in them from the earliest age forgetting that I could do the same.  Looking back, I wonder if they've ever asked themselves, "Why hasn't Mom ever tried to fulfill her dreams?". 

Well, now that I have launched my children on their way, maybe I will have time to set sail, myself!
I have found that the first step is finding the strength to acknowledge that you have a dream, first to yourself, then to others.  The next step is in knowing that your dream is worthy, attainable and inspired.  Once you do those two things, the next steps seem far less intimidating and formidable.  When you realize these truths, it's as though a light switch is turned on in you and you begin to feel energized by the very dream that used to scare you!  Taking small ordered steps can bring about the most powerful and life changing dream...for you and for the world.  Follow your heart...and dream!


  1. Such a beautiful post, and beautiful blog Erin. If it's any comfort, I believe Moses was a humble shepherd for 40 years before God called him into full service.

    God bless you, like he did Moses.

    Kind regards,

    Robert @jesusbranch

  2. Thank you for that, Robert. I hadn't thought of that!


  3. Thanks Erin for sending me your blogs, I always enjoy reading them and always gain something from it. You have such great insight and express it beautifully.
    I am so glad our paths crossed,I miss seeing you.

  4. Erin, your blogs are very insightful. I think following one's dream is a journey that, when we are listening to the Holy Spirit and following His lead, meld together in the purpose He has for our life. The gifts and talents the Lord gave us are to be used for this journey. You have been using your gifts and talents, in loving others, in writing what are not just 'blogs' but devotionals that may help people to find their real purpose in this life, and to help them develop an intimate relationship with our Creator, Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Keep following the Holy Spirit within you and you will always have joy in the journey! Beautiful!

  5. I miss you too, Marilyn! Susan, that really means a lot to me! Thanks so much for your comments!


Thank you for giving us a little nugget of truth from your heart!


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