
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Getting Past the Ground Clutter

Taking off from Dallas
I took a trip to Florida recently for my daughter's college graduation.  I enjoy flying and always try to get a window seat on the plane.  I am always struck by the view as the plane takes off and heads towards the sky.  Glancing out the window, I can see neighborhoods, crowded highways, busy shopping centers and other ground clutter.  Getting a peek at people going about their busyness of life, from that altitude almost seems amusing.

There's so much rush, rush, rush to get from one place to the next, one event to the next, one chore to the next.  I can see specific buildings and landmarks that I recognize.  But as the plane continues to climb, I can make out less and less detail, and soon I can't recognize any of the rush and busyness that is still going on thousands of feet below me.

View outside my window
Then, the most amazing thing happens!  The plane breaks through the clouds and you are surrounded by nothing but blue sky and wispy clouds wafting by your window.  There's no clutter, no busyness, no worry or hurry!  It's just you, time and the heavens! Every time I fly, I marvel at this.  And I this what God has to do to see our hearts?

I picture Him, peering through my mind, past all my worries, fears, disappointments and hurts.  He looks straight down into my heart (at times, battered and bruised), and fills it with light and love and promise!  That's why, Dear One, it's so important to spend time alone, with Him.  We need to get past all the ground clutter and break through to a place where we can hear from Him and receive His love

View from my plane over Jacksonville
When you make time for prayer, if you can quiet your mind and still your thoughts long enough for Him to come in and clean out all the messiness, then, as life comes back into view, things seem more clear; life doesn't seem like such a rat race and you will sense a purpose and a reason for life!

From His Lap!


  1. Hi Erin - great reminder for me, I need to spend time alone with my Saviour.
    God bless

    1. I know you are His obedient servant, Tracy! I have no doubt you will be spending time with Him!!

  2. What a beautiful perspective. I'm always very nervous flying, but I think with the attitude you have towards being up near the Heavens, I may just lose that uneasiness once and for all. :) Hopefully, you had a wonderful time celebrating your daughters graduation.

    Love you,

    1. Rosann, next time you fly, watch the ground slip away and imagine the clutter clearing from your life, making more room for Him!!!
      I love you,

  3. You are so gifted! I needed this today!!!!! Love you!

    1. I love you too, sister! Hope I see you soon!

  4. Thank you, Brandee! Stop by any time!

  5. Thank you for sharing positive words. Have a great day. #voiceboks

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I hope my post blessed you! Have a great day!

  6. It's so hard to remember that in taking time to be "alone" or still, we are in fact reconnecting to the important Source. There really is so much rushing around that we feel guilty when we stop and just "be," but we really shouldn't.

    1. Amen, Jenn. It makes the rest of the rush and busyness have purpose when we do take that time out!

  7. What a great analogy! I want Him to fly above all the burdens, cares and worries in my mind and free me to fly with Him!

    btw - did you know my hubby and I met and fell in love in Jacksonville? Love that city!

    1. Shannon, I did not know that. You have wonderful ties to Jacksonville, then! I love it when you stop by and leave wonderful comments!! I love what you said: "I want Him to fly above all the burdens, cares and worries in my mind and free me to fly with Him!"

  8. awesome analogy. When we open our mind and remove the clutter, we can defintely focus on what's important.

    1. Thank you. I'm so glad you stopped by! I hope the post blessed you!

  9. beautiful, erin. i was just talking to a friend about when and how i pray. i feel best when things are quiet and the day is done. i usually sit with music, turn the tv off and take time alone to give thanks.
    i love the thoughts that came over you while flying. thank you for always sharing so much of your heart <3
    and thank you for your sweet words!

    i hope the week is good to you and you had a great time at your daughter's graduation!
    tons of love!

    1. Maria,
      My week was wonderful. I had some much needed one on one time with my daughter. I can't wait to go back and do it again. I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!

  10. I always enjoy getting up high like that in a plane too. It reminds you that the world is a much bigger place than just your little bubble:)

    1. I know, Courtney. It really puts things into perspective, doesn't it! Thanks for stopping by!


Thank you for giving us a little nugget of truth from your heart!


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