
Friday, November 11, 2011

Confidence and Grace, Where You Can Find It!

Recently, a friend asked me to write about how wives and mom's get the strength and self confidence to walk through life.  It seems as though we give of ourselves so much, and not because we have to, but because it's in our nature.  God put in us the desire to pour out grace to our families, friends, co-workers and many others. 

You can find God's presence anywhere.
 Where does the strength and confidence come from to be able to step out and give, when we, ourselves, go through tough times and feel as if there is nothing left to pour out?  This is such a commonly asked question that media has addressed it, the medical field has come up with therapies and drugs for it and still, there seems to be no permanant solution.

I don't pretend to be the expert here.  I'm not degreed to counsel or give therapy.  But there are some things that I know to be true and I can promise that there is an answer to this question that can bring great results, peace and joy.  There is a way for us to have the strength and the fortitude to press on and be the people who God has called us to be, even when it feels like we just don't have what it takes.

It always comes back to Him; spending time with Him, pressing into Him, leaning into Him.  I'm not talking about structured Bible study and memorized prayers (although those things are good and helpful).  What I'm speaking of is blocking all else out, until it's just you and God.  I don't know what that looks like for you so I'll tell  you what it looks like for me.

You can even be in His presence
sitting in tree.

Usually, I go to a room in my home where I will be undesturbed for a time.  I light a few candles and I quietly play praise and worship music.  Sometimes I sit in a rocking chair, sometimes I kneel, I lay on the bed or sit out front on my porch.  But in my heart, I see myself approach the throne of God.  It doesn't matter whether I'm coming to Him in joy with a song on my lips or if I'm coming in shame for a day not well lived.  He always welcomes me with a smile.  I really do see this in my heart.  His smile welcomes me and He beckons me to Him.  I can stand and talk to Him or climb on His lap and just rest my head on His shoulder.  It's there that I receive forgiveness, draw strength and renew my joy.  It's there where I receive the confidence to go on, being filled with His grace to, once again, give to others.

Can you see yourself approaching your heavenly Father?  Do you realize that He hungers for you to come see Him?  He awaits your presence and rejoices when you do come!  He wants you to pour out your heart to Him; tell Him what you are feeling and ask for His comfort, guidance and wisdom and mostly for His love.  I've shared with you what it looks like for me to enter His presence and be given what I need to be who He wants me to be.  What does that look like for you?  How do you receive His grace, strength and comfort daily to have the confidence you need to walk your journey?  Share with us what that looks like for you?

Read more about receiving grace over at Reflections of Grace.

From His lap,


  1. Beautiful Erin! You are so special to me!~Love, Lisa

  2. Thank you, Lisa!! I love you!

  3. I hate to admit that my best place of prayer is the bathroom! The shower is great, but sometimes I just go in there, shut the door, and sit down for some peace and quiet.

    Another beautiful post. I love the visual of approaching God's throne.

  4. Ahhh, Michael Ann!
    I have spent many a peaceful moment in my tub. It's one of the best places!!

  5. Erin - you have a such a gift of beautiful writing. I feel drawn into your posts and articles.

    I love to go into a quiet room of my home (usually the master bedroom or the spare bedroom). When the weather is permissible, I love to go outside, take a walk, or sit in a cool quiet place.

    Thank you for sharing at The Grace Cafe.

  6. Erin, my place and time with God is usually early in the morning before everyone wakes up...around 5am or so. I curl up on the sofa with a blanket, my Bible, my notepad, and my prayer list. Sometimes I bring my iPod along and tune into my worship music. But most of the time I just sit in His presence, soaking up His word, taking notes, praying, listening...

    But that's not all. Throughout the day, whenever I have a quiet moment to myself, I listen for God or a I talk to Him. When I'm laying next to Abby while she goes to sleep for her nap, I'll often close my eyes and pray over her. And I pray aloud for and with both of my girls at bedtime.

    The last few years I have realized just how much I crave God and need God in my life. I can't make it through a day without Him. So I try to include Him in as much as possible as often as possible. Some days are better than others, but like most of us, I'm a work in progress too.

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Love you,

  7. Joan,
    Thank you so much for your kind words. Isn't it wonderful that He will meet us wherever we are. Our favorite place is His favorite place!!
    Thank you for stopping by!

  8. Rosann,
    That is so good. He likes for us to invite Him to walk us throughout our day! That's the best way to make our journey!!!
    Love you!

  9. Some of my favorites times of the day are the quiet 5 minutes I have to myself where I say "thank you" and reflect on everything I have have been blessed with. It's amazing how rejuvenated a person can feel after that :-)

  10. Jenn,
    I think we are rejuvenated everytime we remember to be thankful and we tell Him so!!
    Thank you so much for stopping by!


Thank you for giving us a little nugget of truth from your heart!


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