As an adult, I have always been involved in many areas of ministry, in the churches I've attended. Serving in Women's Ministry, Children's Ministry, Greeters Ministry and so much more, I quickly become acquainted with the leadership in the church I'm attending. I have met so many men and women in leadership, serving God and the Church with complete honor and integrity, who are great examples of how to live the life we are called to live.

What I do question, is why does the Church celebrate this? What does this say to these leader's spouses, families and children, who are left behind to pick up the pieces of their broken lives? Why doesn't the Church celebrate the minister who sticks in there and does the right thing, not because it's easy, but just because it is right. Sin is the easy way out. It's not difficult giving into temptation. The hard thing is, when facing temptation, trials and forbidden pleasure, saying "no" to them and staying pure and clean.
Some would say that we need these types of testimonies so that when we fall and don't think God will forgive us, we can see other's examples of sin and restoration. There are plenty of testimonies of every day folk, who are brought out of much sin and wrecked and ruined lives. Why do we need these types of testimonies to come from the leadership of the Church? Let them be the ones who show us how not to fall into these harmful lifestyles. Scripture says that God calls and sets apart leaders and shepherds
who are called to a higher standard.
During the last years of her life, my mom was in a wheel chair. My father, a pastor, had to fix meals for her, bathe her, take her to the restroom, and not have any chance of an intimate relationship with his wife. It was not easy. It wasn't the life he had envisioned for him and my mom. It wasn't pleasant. Every day, he had to make the choice to do what was right and to rely on the Lord to be his strength and constant companion.
Of course I pray for all leaders who have fallen into sin, just as I hope they would pray for me when I am struggling. I know that the Lord loves them dearly and wants to restore them fully and have them back in the fold. But I wish that the Church would make a way for those in leadership, who are being tempted to fall into grave sin, to be able to share their struggle with someone without the fear of being judged, condemned and ostracized. We should provide a way out before they fall! Maybe then, they could join hands with someone and gain the faith and strength they need to reject sin, to not fall, so that they can live the life they are called to live, without destroying their lives and the lives of those they love.
From His lap,
Erin, this is so true. I see your concern and your compassion. Yes, everyone can be forgiven if they repent and turn from their sin. But I see the dilemma of getting back into the limelight after restoration. It would be best if the leaders who fell would keep a low profile, continue to grow closer to the Lord and continue to work on restoration of broken relationships and broken trust.