
Friday, October 14, 2011

There's Joy in the Mess

What do you want from your one life? What could be written about your one shot here on earth that would leave your imprint on those who know you or even those who don't?  I want to create my life…to sculpt each day into a celebration of the gifts I have been given. I want to take the desires of my heart and walk them out in joy.  Do I always do that? Goodness no. I fall short sometimes…we all do. Yet I aspire to live a life of joy and bliss…a life of abundance as God intended for everyone.

I try to seek out and choose joy even in the worst of circumstances.  Life throws at us, what it does.  There is mess and yuck all in the middle of it.  But when we focus on the mess, we miss so much and life can seem hopeless.  I'm not talking about looking for happiness.  Happiness is fickle.  It comes and goes as it pleases.  But joy is a choice and it can only be stolen if we allow it.  Don't settle for just being happy now and then, when the circumstances are right.  Decide in your heart that no matter the situation you find yourself in, you will choose to find the joy in it.  And the best way to do that is to be taking steps towards following your passion.  Then, when adversity comes, you keep your joy and move on to another step in the journey.  

Sarah Gitzen Chose Joy
Being a wife and mom has been my joy. My passion has been watching my children grow, raising them, being witness to their lives, their choices and their development. Helping to shape their world, guiding them into being strong, caring, compassionate, loving and wise individuals is what has really made my life full. Now that they are on journeys of their own, I hope that I have helped them to become people who walk with God, who know and trust themselves enough to follow their passions and callings. I want them to find their bliss, their sweet spot and have the courage to walk it out. That has been my children. 

I'm now embarking on other paths that are my bliss.  There are dreams that God has dropped in my heart that are bursting for fruition!  I'm taking slow, tentative but exciting steps to see them happen.  What is your passion?  Do you believe that God has placed those things in your heart?   If so, go get em, tiger! God calls us to use our talents and to trust; trust enough to take the next step.  Have faith that the answers are there for you…listen, believe and choose joy!

Here is a quote from a song by Mark Hall and Megan Garrett:  "Who, but You, would ever choose to dream your dream in me?  Tell me, who but You, would dare me to believe what I can't see?  Who, but You?"

From His Lap,


  1. Feeling so encouraged by your always. You are an amazing writer and an amazing woman, Erin. I'm praying for you and the exciting steps you're taking to pursue the new dreams God has handed you. Many blessings, my beautiful friend. :)


  2. Rosann,
    I have learned so much from your faithfulness and your words of encouragement and inspiration. I love your heart and your passion for what you do!

  3. Erin, you have an incredible way of reaching out and touching your readers hearts. When I saw the 1st image in my desktop, I actually giggled and thought to myself, now there is a happy photo if ever I saw one. Embarking on other paths that are our bliss definitely is a place where I sit at the moment...putting one foot in front of the other & moving forward. Happy Friday ~Hugs, Leah

  4. Leah, when our friend jumped for joy like that, it happened so quickly that I didn't even have time to focus my camera! She was expressing pure joy! So glad you stopped by! I know you are taking some new journeys right now. Stay close to Him and your steps will be ordered of the Lord!
    I love you!

  5. Hi Erin - you have just encouraged me to do something I have been thinking about for a long time. Have a very blessed weekend and know that you have been used of God. Precious friend, God bless

  6. Ohhh, thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus! I'm so glad you're going to step out on a new journey with Him!! Keep us posted, Tracy!
    Praise God forevermore!

  7. Thank you Erin. And ... my childeren also are my passion.

  8. You are so welcome, Jedidja. Pouring ourselves into our children is one of the highest callings we can have!!

  9. As a 'retired' Mom, it gives me great joy to see them walk with the Lord. I too have begun to seek other paths to fulfillment through mentoring others by sharing my failures and successes. May God bless U in your efforts on the 'new path'.

  10. Debra,
    It's exciting and a little scary, isn't it!! God bless you on your new journeys!

  11. Beautiful post! Love this! It's so true that if you decide to be happy, you will find the joy in things! Happiness is a choice. Thanks so much for sharing! I'm off to stumble this!

    Smiles, Jenn

  12. Thanks, Jenn! I hope you have fun with your little Spiderman tonight!!


Thank you for giving us a little nugget of truth from your heart!


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