
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Replacing Human Contact

In June of 2006, the USA Today posted an article that stated "Americans have a third fewer close friends and confidants than just two decades ago — a sign that people may be living lonelier, more isolated lives than in the past." This is a shocking trend considering it was before social media became what it is today.

In my opinion, social media is a great tool to connect with people that we ordinarily would never be able to connect with. For example, I have made "friends" across the "twitterverse" from all around the world; people who I would never had the pleasure of meeting without social media to connect us.  However, I can see how a person who does not have solid personal relationships, would use Twitter, Facebook and other social media networks to replace human contact. It would be much easier for an introvert to stay at home on the computer and talk to friends "out there" than to inter-relate to those around them.

The USA Today article goes on to talk about how we, as individuals, are losing the number of people that we can confide in on a personal level. When we don't have personal connection and vulnerability with other people, it can lead to depression, alienation and other serious consequences.  Most of us are not sharing our deepest, most personal trials, joys and pains out there on the internet.  So, who are we sharing them with?  Are we making sure to take the time and make the effort it takes to develop real and personal relationships with people who we can be vulnerable with?

Our heavenly Father made us to need each other, to need company and most of all, to need Him. When He created us, He did not place us here alone. He wants us to fellowship with family, friends and most of all with Him.  Have fun with social media, form friendships, but don't replace human contact with twitters and likes and posts.  


  1. As a person who just came into this century with technolgy, I can see how seductive it can be. I enjoy the "connection" with other bloggers and people who I would not get to meet. But it does not take the place of the one on one contact I get with my friends. I do think that the fact that our lives have gotten so busy makes keeping friendships harder. It requires work to have a real, true friendship. I think in todays world we make a lot of situational friends. The people we work with, the moms of our kids friends, but when the situation ends, the friendship tends to fade too. Thanks for making me think of this. Great post, I enjoy reading your writing! I'm glad I found you on VoiceBoks!

  2. It is so hard to connect and stay committed to people when our lives are so busy, Kathy. I'm going to put in the extra effort to spend time with my sisters and friends!!! Thank you so much for stopping by. Don't you love voiceBoks?!

  3. Thank you, Erin for the reminder that relationships, face-to-face are what life is all about. I just finished listening to Life is Hard but God is Good. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

    Many blessings.

  4. "Situational friends" is a useful and descriptive phrase, Kathy. Once you get past college, it's hard to make any other kind.

  5. This is very well said. I think it can be tougher for women raising kids to have friends, or at least friends you see a lot. You get so busy, there's no time. At least we all understand this though. Nice to find you through VoiceBoks:)

  6. Courtney, you are so right! Now that I've raised 5 of my 6 children, I'm finding time for friends again and am having the time of my life. I think I'm a better wife and mom, by taking time for myself with friends!

  7. such a great post. I feel this is definitely true. Following from vb.


Thank you for giving us a little nugget of truth from your heart!


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